Wood Lye instructions

The unfinished woodwork must be clean, dry and finely sanded (grit 100-120) before applying the lye.

Always remember to test on a less visible spot to check the compatibility of the surface with the product.

  1. Shake the container well and pour the Lye into a plastic bucket. It is important that no pigments are left in the container. Stir regularly during the application to prevent the pigments from settling to the bottom.
  2. Apply an even coat of the lye with a brush or paint roller lengthwise along the grain. Apply at least 1 container lye per 250 sf of wood. Leave wood to dry for approx. 6-12 hours at 68°F.
  3. De-nib standing fibers and remove excess pigments with a medium e.g. green or maroon, sanding polishing pad. Remove the sanding dust with a vacuum cleaner.
Finish the wood surface with a WOCA Oil or WOCA Water Based Finish.
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